Pros and cons of prefabricated houses

With the current opportunities on the building market, the choice of how to build a house is not so obvious. One of the possibilities are modular prefabricated concrete houses. What are their pros and cons?

The most important advantages of prefabricated houses

  • Prefabricated products

One of the most important and significant advantages of prefabricated houses are the elements created in the factory. Elements, i.e. larger, finished parts of the building – for example, spatial modules that make up the whole, half or a smaller part of the house. Prefabricated elements are manufactured in a closed production hall with the use of modern equipment, which guarantees the maintenance of details and incredible precision. What is very important is that the production of precast concrete elements can take place regardless of weather conditions, thanks to which the date of construction of the house does not change. Individual elements of the house are subject to strict technical inspection, which guarantees its durability.

dom modułowy z prefabrykatów spine


dom prefabrykowany z betonu spine

  • Finished project

When you start working with SPINE, you can use one of our finished projects. In our offer you will find eight proposals, from which you will certainly choose something for yourself. You can choose from our SPINE modular houses with floor space ranging from 53,86 m² to 172,1 m². For those who like to stand out, we also offer the possibility of creating an individual project. Thanks to SPINE technology, you have the option to add garage or office space to the building and expand existing projects without interfering with the current state of the building.

See finished projects of SPINE prefabricated houses

  • fast implementation

Prefabricated modular houses mean, above all, quick realization time. This is again due to the preparation of the modules in a closed, modern hall. Thanks to this solution, the construction of the house does not take a year or two. Prefabricated products are made under the supervision of experienced technologists in just a few days and are transported to the construction site, where the team carries out their assembly. It takes 12 hours to reach the open raw state. Prefabricated modular houses are the shortest way to get to your own house – you will move into it in just 3 months.

  • clean construction site

Although this may seem a marginal issue, a clean construction site is an option that many people care about. The work on the assembly of the modular house is clean and the property does not need to be thoroughly cleaned after the house is built. Another advantage associated with the construction site is security – as investors we are not exposed to theft of equipment or materials. Prefabricated products come to the site from the factory and are assembled the same day.

  • no foundations

SPINE prefabricated houses do not require foundations. Why? The use of u-shaped elements makes the body itself a foundation. All that is required is earthworks consisting in replacing the soil layer of 40 to 60 cm thick.

  • resistance to weather conditions

SPINE is a modular house that is not afraid of extreme weather conditions. Stable reinforced concrete construction and durability of fair-faced concrete guarantee protection against strong wind, hail or fire.

modułowy dom z prefabrykatów betonowych spine zalety

dom prefabrykowany modułowy SPINE cena

  • Disadvantages of prefabricated modular houses

One of the main disadvantages of prefabricated houses may be the cost of their construction. However, it is worth remembering that when choosing a company that deals with the creation of modular houses on a daily basis, we put ourselves in the hands of experienced professionals. When paying for a prefab house, we pay above all for incredible precision and for the indestructible building, which will be built on our plot in a few hours.

Although at first sight prefabricated houses seem to be more expensive than brick houses, after comparing them with houses traditionally built by developers, the price difference will not be so great. When choosing a SPINE prefab house, we employ one team who will take care of everything comprehensively. This not only minimizes costs but also saves nerves. It is worth remembering that what counts in the overall balance sheet is the quality of the houses, short time of their preparation and finishing.

Fill in the survey and get a free quote for your SPINE prefabricated house.